
during the month of the Faradda

Sassari is the closest town to some of the most beautiful beaches in Northern Sardinia. However, during the month of August Sassari hosts many events which animate the town with traditions and folklore as well. The great Descent of the Candelieri celebration, on August 14th, is the culmination of a series of festivals involving both the local population and tourists.

August 5th

Little Candelieri

5 agosto

Piccoli Candelieri

Children up to 13 years of age are the main characters of the Little Candelieri, an event that seeks to promote the tradition of the Faradda even among the youngest. Created by the Intergremio and the Municipality, this event takes place every August 5th. Aspiring bearers and drummers parade in the procession with little candlesticks no more than a meter and a half tall. The route winds from Porta Sant’Antonio to the churchyard of Santa Maria of Betlem Church.

August 5th

Little Candelieri

Children up to 13 years of age are the main characters of the Little Candelieri, an event that seeks to promote the tradition of the Faradda even among the youngest. Created by the Intergremio and the Municipality, this event takes place every August 5th. Aspiring bearers and drummers parade in the procession with little candlesticks no more than a meter and a half tall. The route winds from Porta Sant’Antonio to the churchyard of Santa Maria of Betlem Church.

August 10th

Medium-Sized Candelieri

10 agosto

Medi Candelieri

The wooden candlesticks carried on shoulders during the Descent of the Medium-sized Candelieri are similar in size to the ones used in the Faradda, although lighter. On August 10th the young boys in Sassari participate in this recently-introduced event that enthusiastically leads the town towards the great celebration of August 14th.

August 10th

Medium-Sized Candelieri

The wooden candlesticks carried on shoulders during the Descent of the Medium-sized Candelieri are similar in size to the ones used in the Faradda, although lighter. On August 10th the young boys in Sassari participate in this recently-introduced event that enthusiastically leads the town towards the great celebration of August 14th.

12 agosto

Concerto per i Candelieri

August 12th

Concert for the Candelieri

The musical band “Luigi Canepa” organizes the Concert for the Candelieri that takes place the evening of August 12th in piazza Santa Caterina. World famous guests have also taken the stage.

August 12th

Concert for the Candelieri

The musical band “Luigi Canepa” organizes the Concert for the Candelieri that takes place the evening of August 12th in piazza Santa Caterina. World famous guests have also taken the stage.

August 13th

Golden Candlestick

13 agosto

Candeliere d’Oro

To celebrate the bond with their birthplace, the inhabitants of Sassari who emigrated abroad or to the Italian peninsula are honored the evening of August 13th in piazza Santa Caterina. The Golden Candlestick is awarded to the native of Sassari who has been living abroad the longest and who comes back to town for August 15th, the Feast of the Assumption; the Silver Candlestick goes to those who have relocated to another part of Italy; whereas the Bronze Candlestick goes to those who weren’t born in Sassari but have been living there continuously for nearly 50 years. Moreover, the Municipality awards the Città di Sassari Prize, also known as the Special Golden Candlestick, to Sardinian institutions or citizens who have added prestige to Sassari and Sardinia as a whole.

August 13th

Golden Candlestick

To celebrate the bond with their birthplace, the inhabitants of Sassari who emigrated abroad or to the Italian peninsula are honored the evening of August 13th in piazza Santa Caterina. The Golden Candlestick is awarded to the native of Sassari who has been living abroad the longest and who comes back to town for August 15th, the Feast of the Assumption; the Silver Candlestick goes to those who have relocated to another part of Italy; whereas the Bronze Candlestick goes to those who weren’t born in Sassari but have been living there continuously for nearly 50 years. Moreover, the Municipality awards the Città di Sassari Prize, also known as the Special Golden Candlestick, to Sardinian institutions or citizens who have added prestige to Sassari and Sardinia as a whole.

August 14th

The Descent of the Candelieri

14 agosto

La Discesa dei Candelieri

The crowning point of the events of Sassari is the celebration takes place on the eve of the Feast of the Assumption. Every year 100,000 visitors from all over the world come to the town to attend the Descent of the Candelieri, the traditional procession that passes throughout the historic center.

August 14th

The Descent of the Candelieri

The crowning point of the events of Sassari is the celebration takes place on the eve of the Feast of the Assumption. Every year 100,000 visitors from all over the world come to the town to attend the Descent of the Candelieri, the traditional procession that passes throughout the historic center.

August 15th

The Parade of the Assunta

15 agosto

Processione dell’Assunta

The candlesticks are part of a procession again the evening of August 15th, the Feast of the Assumption. Tradition has it that the Virgin is thanked with a procession proceeded by a simulacrum of the Assunta. Housed in San Nicola Cathedral throughout the year, the statue lies on an antique bed from the 17th century.

August 15th

The Parade of the Assunta

The candlesticks are part of a procession again the evening of August 15th, the Feast of the Assumption. Tradition has it that the Virgin is thanked with a procession proceeded by a simulacrum of the Assunta. Housed in San Nicola Cathedral throughout the year, the statue lies on an antique bed from the 17th century.

22 agosto

Ottava dell’Assunta

August 22nd

Eighth of the Assunta

The Faradda de li Candareri officially ends on August 22nd, the date the Church celebrates the Eighth of the Assunta. On this day the candlesticks are brought back to the places that house them for the rest of the year. Some of them are placed in the chapels of Santa Maria of Betlem Church, others in some sacred buildings in the center of Sassari. Citizens and tourists alike are interested and curious about this procession.

August 22nd

Eighth of the Assunta

The Faradda de li Candareri officially ends on August 22nd, the date the Church celebrates the Eighth of the Assunta. On this day the candlesticks are brought back to the places that house them for the rest of the year. Some of them are placed in the chapels of Santa Maria of Betlem Church, others in some sacred buildings in the center of Sassari. Citizens and tourists alike are interested and curious about this procession.

Gremi’s patron saint celebrations

Feste Patronali dei Gremi

Sassari is animated all year round by traditions linked to the Descent of the Candelieri. The procession’s leading gremi (arts and trade guilds) celebrate their festivals on the day dedicated to their own patron saint. The Obriere maggiore, head and representative of the Gremio, is responsible for organizing the events.

Gremi’s patron saint celebrations

Sassari is animated all year round by traditions linked to the Descent of the Candelieri. The procession’s leading gremi (arts and trade guilds) celebrate their festivals on the day dedicated to their own patron saint. The Obriere maggiore, head and representative of the Gremio, is responsible for organizing the events.